Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013

proposal speaking THESIS

                                                              CHAPTER I
Speaking is the ability to speak appropiately and afectively in real communicative situation in order to communicative ideas to other .This statment reflects speaking in closely related to the language but in fact only some of students who realize the funtion of speaking .The sepaking can be one of first prority in learning english.  Therefore speaking aspect can influences some aspects of human beings’ life such as economic,education ,culture and many more.
Nowadays ,we are as indonesian society can not deny the sprending of english speaking .Although english speaking has a functions as foreign language but it is soo strong to influence some aspect of of them is education. It can be noticed to all english teachers as well as students are eager to speak english so that they can communicate in english.there are many kinds of ways that have been created to eneasy the students to know the speaking and one of those ways in creating international classs in each school . It is purposed to obligate the students to speak english. Although creating international school has been conducted but it hasn’t given satisfied result yet.
It is purposed to obligate the students to speak english. Although creating international school has been conducted but it hasn’t given satisfied result yet . It is indicated by the students who still don’t know to speak english .Generally ,this case is mostly happened in every school. And spesifically in SMA Negeri 1 Palopo. The writer finds the speaking difficulties undergone by students SMA Negeri 1 Palopo at the first grade.
By facing this problem the writer is eager to apply a new method in purpose to minimaze all factor which was being undergone by SMA Negeri 1 Palopo.
Teaching shall be an exciting and refreshing interval in a day for the students and teachers . and the writer believes this method will able to change the situation of learning and teaching process become more comporrtable for the students and teachers. So that they can produce communicative interaction through speaking.This method always guides the students in improving their speaking ability and makes english becomes a daily activity and unrepeated habit of the learning process.Through such as kind of sircumtances.Students’ speaking ability can be well improved and this method named”Spider Gram”

B. Problem statments
1. “To what extent is the spidergram effective in improving stuednts’ speaking ability ?”
2. “How are the responses of first (X4) grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Palopo to the spider gram?”
C. The Objectives of the Research
1. To find out the effectiveness of spider gram in improving students’ speaking ability of the first (X4) grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Palopo.
2. By implementing spider gram the writer also wanted to find out the responses of the first (X4) grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Palopo in teaching and learning process.

D. The significance of the Research.
1. Teacher as guidance to teach English speaking
2. Students as a guidance to improve their capability in learning English speaking.
3.Next researcher . Therefore the result of this research can be a better reference to support the following research . and generally the results were also expected t
 Be one of alternative ways of producing spoken English based on correct structure.

E. The scope of the Research
The scope of this research is restricted to the effectiveness of the spider gram and it is also restricted to the responses or students by using spidergram as a method to improve students to talk and retell their events ,Daily activities ,Unforgettable experience ,or futuriry actions.
As a guiding point of speaking about daily activities ,past activites , and future activities. At which all those events would be emphasized in accuracy ,fluency and comprehensibility ,in purposed to give limitation of the research.

A.    Previous related research findings
Many language researchers have conducted research about involving students speaking . The writer used students’ attitude and interest in speaking English. Their finding is citied as follows
1.      Purnawati(2004) in her thesis which is entitled of “Improving speaking ability through one side dialogue of the second year students of SLTP Negeri 4 Palopo “reported said that one sides dialogue is an effective technique in improving the students speaking ability .It means that through dialogue students are actively participated in speaking .A thesis S1 English studies program of Cokroaminoto University.
B.     Some Pertinent Ideas About Speaking
1.  Speaking Ability
a. Definition
Heaton (1988 : 87) defines speaking ability as the ability to communicate ideas appropriately and effectively in real communicate situation in order to communicate ideas to other.
Human have feeling, ideas , and although As social creatures ,They need to communicate their feeling ,ideas ,or though . And by means of speaking they can realize it.
Speaking is the most essential way in which the speaker can express himself though the language.In speaking class ,The students were expected to express idea ,information ,and feeling to others.Much talking is important to develop the students’speaking ability.
            They will not be able to speak fluently if they do not practice the language in good, correct and accurate language.
            b. Main factor in Assesing Speaking Ability.
·         Fluency
·         Intelligibility essentially depends on the recognizably of the words and sentence – patterns of speech
·         Appropriateness refers to the suitability of the language to situation.

2.            Spider Gram in the Speaking Concept
a.       Explanation of Spider Gram.
Spider gram in this case is a gram which formed like a spider nets. And based on Eloise Pasteur (2002) state that spider gram is a gram resembling a spider’s body leg in which in information relating to a topic is notice down in boxes joined by radiating lines to the topic a central box containing. The following are examples which are citied from the fundamental of english for public speaking written by Yayan G.H.Mulyana.
Question in Gram 1                                        
v   Researcher : What will you do after being graduated from your school?
Answer      : after being graduated from SMA , I plan to continue my education . But suppose I will not be able to continue my education I will try to get a job as the solution ,Therefore I can continue my education while working.


Figure : Telling ambition
C.    Theoretical Framework



D.    Hypothesis
The Hypothesis of the research is formulated as follows :
H  : The use of spider gram that are formulated in to teaching speaking technique cannot improve students’ speaking ability .
H  : The use of spider gram that are formulated in to teaching speaking technique can improve students’speaking ability.

A.       Method and design of the research
a.1. Research Method
                  This method used pra-experimental method ,at which the students were given pretest ,treatment and posttest.
         a.2.Research Design
             The design of the research was a group of pretest-posttest design . And then the treatment was given between pretest(O) and posttest (O). The schematic representation of the design as follows:




Where :
                O       :  Pretest
                 T        :  Treatment
                O      :  Posttest
B.           Variables
There are two variables in this research , The variables are :
1.      The using of spider gram as independent variable.
2.      Students speaking ability as dependent variable.

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