Senin, 24 Juni 2013

ways to teach English

10 creative ways to teach English that deliver outstanding results

English lesson
Creative curriculum: inspiring young imaginations using the arts is just one of the ways Anna Warren teaches her pupils. Photograph: Tom Finnie
As a creative school, with a track record in fantastic English results, we are often asked what our specific approach is: how do we teach through the arts yet manage to maintain such high expectations from all our pupils? I'd like to share some of these approaches with you:

Immersion activities

How can children access stories, poems and other texts if their minds and imaginations not fully engaged? We have found that immersing children in a range of creative activities before reading the text means that they are fully prepared, and excited, about the reading journey ahead of them. Through painting, music composition, a film project, in role drama or sculpture, the kids have had a chance to share vocabulary, ideas and concepts which gives their reading fresh meaning and purpose.

Clear purpose

What's the point of reading and writing anything if you don't know why you're doing it? We aim to provide children with a clear purpose to all reading, and especially writing tasks. Whether it's an invitation to the headteacher to attend a class assembly, an email to an author or an article for a school newspaper, our children know why the quality of their writing matters: because there will be a real audience for their published work.

Professional publishing

One effective way of valuing children's work as well as providing a real incentive, is to plan for a range of ways to publish their writing. Recent examples include a whole school bookmaking project. Following a whole school Inset on bookbinding techniques, every class published their own shared book; one example being an anthology of short spooky stories composed by year 6. Their stories were mounted on handmade paper, accompanied with each child's art work (lino cut style prints on metallic paper) with a dramatic paper cut out front cover. The effort the children put into their work was immense, and the results were stunning as a result. The anthology has been enjoyed by parents and other pupils and the children's pride in their work is clear to see.

Meaningful planning

Where possible, learning in English is linked with subjects within the creative curriculum we follow: the international primary curriculum (IPC). Well in advance of teaching, teachers collaborate and share their ideas for planning through a mind mapping process. Meaningful, creative activities are planned for, ensuring that all staff members know exactly what the children will be learning and why.

Focused on strategies

The teaching of reading is not easy. As children's fluency in reading increases, it's hard to know what reading skills need to be taught, and when. We ensure that specific reading strategies are modelled explicitly to the class; this provides children with a holistic bank of skills to draw upon. This could include scanning a text, making an inference, predicting or creating a mental image. Our teachers use 'think aloud' statements to model to the children how these skills are used, and how they can help them become better readers. These strategies are then shared as a class, and then assessed in follow up guided reading activities.

Inspirational learning environment

Take a trip to our school and you'll find classroom environments that inspire adults and children alike. Not only is the children's work displayed creatively, but there is a range of learning prompts to inspire and support all pupils. We want to encourage our children to discover new texts, genres and authors, so our reading areas are inviting, well resourced and highly organised. Pupils can choose from an exciting array of reading material: newspapers, classic texts, reference books as well as the children's own published stories are just some examples of what book corners might offer.

Drama to engage and inspire

The use of drama is such a powerful tool. Taking the lead from our drama specialist, all teaching staff use a range of techniques to promote the exploration of characters, situations and historical events. This process expands the pupils' imaginations, and provides them with the ideas they need to give their writing that extra spark and flair.

Rigorous teaching of spelling and phonics

In the infants, phonics is streamed, so all children can benefit from tailored teaching, making maximum progress as a result. All phonics and spelling activities are fun, multi sensory and as physical possible, the aim being to meet all learning styles in the class. In the juniors, we try to make homework lists as personalised to the child as possible to ensure that the spelling patterns stick in a meaningful way.

Grammar concepts taught creatively

Grammar cannot be taught as a stand alone activity. What's the point of that? Children begin to understand grammar concepts, and start to apply them in their own writing, when they start to read with a writer's mind. Punctuation rules and techniques are drawn from shared texts; texts which the children have already been immersed in and have a good understanding of. Exploring these, and embedding them creatively is how the learning takes place.

Peer and self assessment

What child doesn't love marking somebody else's work? With a clear marking key, success criteria and purpose in mind, children set about assessing either their own, or a partner's piece of writing. Modelled through the teacher's own formative marking, pupils know what the expectations are. They are well trained in searching for successful examples of the learning intention, articulating their responses to the work, checking the writing matches any targets and giving constructive feedback. Seeing the children learn from each other in this way is hugely positive; you know you've done your job well.

Sabtu, 22 Juni 2013

kata bijak ,motivasi

Menjadi diri sendiri serta tanpa mengikuti orang lain dapat jadi suatu perihal yang berbeda didalam kehidupan anda.

Hidup ini anda yang melakukan, anda adalah penulis ceritanya. Janganlah biarkan orang lain yang menentukannya.

Sisi paling baik dari hidup seseorang yaitu perbuatan-perbuatan baiknya serta kasihnya yang tidak diketahui oleh orang lain

Teguhlah di dalam iman serta buanglah rasa takut

Yakinlah hidup itu indah bila kamu memahaminya, kamu mengerti melangkah untuk hidup

Janganlah sesali suatu hal yang sudah berakhir, walau itu indah, tanpa akhir tidak akan pernah ada awal baru yang barangkali lebih indah.

Dalam hidup, kamu akan bertemu orang yg tak ingin kamu bahagia, namun hidupmu bukan tentang keinginan mereka tapi keinginanmu!

Bila anda tidak pernah rasakan kegagalan, itu berarti anda belum tahu arti dari suatu kesuksesan.

Janganlah sesali satu haripun di dalam hidupmu. Kenanglah hari baik yang sudah berimu kebahagiaan, dikarenakan hari buruk yang memberimu suatu pengalaman

Berlayarlah serta dapatkan muara hikmah di pulau samudera cinta. Waspadalah diri dari tersesat didalamnya. Seluruh pelayaran kita tertuju pada satu muara cinta, yakni memperoleh cinta abadi Yang Maha Esa.

Anda dapat menunda untuk berubah dikarenakan banyaknya urusan. Namun hidup tidak pernah menunda urusannya untuk menanti anda berubah.

Memaafkan adalah ciri dari kerendahan hati. Dalam kerendahan hati, terdapat kebesaran jiwa dan keberserahan.

Saya tidak pernah patah semangat dikarenakan tiap-tiap usaha yang salah yaitu satu langkah untuk maju
Jangan lelah untuk mencari ilmu karena segala sesuatu di dunia ini perlu ilmu, jika tak ada ilmu maka kita sama saja dengan orang mati, tak akan bisa berbuat apa-apa.

Jangan berusaha ataupun mengerjakan sesuatu dengan setengah hati, karena hasil yang kamu dapat juga hanya setengahnya.

Janganlah kamu mencintai seseorang karena paras/wajahnya, hartanya dan jabatannya, tapi cintai karena kebaikan dan ketulusan hatinya karena diantara itu semua, hanya kebaikan dan ketulusan hatinya yang tetap abadi.
Jika kamu gagal mendapatkan sesuatu, hanya satu hal yang harus kamu lakukan, coba lagi!

Bermimpilah akan sesuatu dan jadikanlah mimpimu itu kenyataan, sesungguhnya tak akan ada dunia ini jika tak ada yang bermimpi

Jika kamu mencintai seseorang, cintailah dia apa adanya, bukan karena kamu ingin dia menjadi seperti yang kamu inginkan, karena sesungguhnya kamu hanya mencintai cerminan diri kamu pada dirinya.

Tidak akan ada keadilan yang bisa ditegakkan selama kita masih acuh terhadap hukum yang ada dan mementingkan kepentingan pribadi.

Jujurlah, karena kejujuran itu membawa kita ke surga.

Bercerminlah dari kesalahan orang lain, selain dari kesalahan diri kita sendiri, bercermin pada kesalahan diri sendiri supaya tidak terjatuh pada lubang yang sama, dan dengan bercermin dari kesalahan orang, maka akan lebih memacu kita agar kesalahan itu tidak menimpa kita.

Berpikir positif dan optimis terlihat seperti kalimat puisi yang sepele, tapi sadarilah ini sangat penting dalam peran anda mengambil keputusan yang akan menentukan kesuksesan atau kehancuran

Berusaha untuk selalu berfikir positif dan optimis dalam semua kesulitan. Jangan terobsesi pada pengalaman masa lalu atau masa depan, tapi tataplah masa kini. Masa lalu sudah lewat, tak akan kembali lagi, masa depan itu belum terjadi jadi kita tak tahu apa yang terjadi dan akhirnya hanya berangan berharap sesuatu, tapi di masa kinilah, kita harus menentukan dan membuat keputusan terhadap diri kita.

Jika kau tak memiliki motivasi hidup maka jangan berpikir mati adalah tujuan hidup. Percayalah hidup ini tak pernah menginginkan kau mati sia-sia.

Percayalah pada dirimu sendiri! Percayalah pada kemampuanmu! tanpa kepercayaan diri pada apa yang kau miliki, kau tidak akan sukses ataupun bahagia

Apa kau ingin mengetahui siapa dirimu sebenarnya? Jangan bertanya! Bertindaklah! Karena tindakanmu itu akan menggambarkan siapakah kamu.

Ikutilah mimpimu, bekerja keraslah mencapainya, berlatihlah dengan tekun. Pastikan kamu makan makanan yang bervariasi, berolahragalah dan jagalah gaya hidup sehatmu.

Seorang yang kreatif termotivasi dengan hasrat akan prestasi, bukan hasrat akan mengalahkan orang lain.

tips belajar bahasa inggris part 2

Cara mudah belajar bahasa Inggris - Belajar bahasa Inggris untuk pemula seperti kita mungkin sangat menjengkelkan. Sering kita melihat banyak orang Indonesia begitu lancar berbicara bahasa Inggris dan kemudian kita hanya bisa bengong memperhatikan mereka. Menguasai bahasa Inggris itu sulit bagi kita, namun bukan hal yang mustahil untuk dilakukan oleh semua orang Indonesia.

Mengapa bukan hal yang mustahil untuk kita kuasai? Karena bahasa tetaplah bahasa, dan tidak ada yang berbeda. Bahasa Inggris itu sama dengan bahasa Indonesia dan kita pasti bisa menguasainya. Keyakinan tersebut timbul ketika kami mencoba berpikir mengenai masa bayi dahulu.

Kita menerima bahasa Indonesia saat tidak tahu sama sekali apa itu bahasa, bagaimana struktur, dan konsep penggunaannya. Tetapi coba lihat masa kini, kita bisa menggunakannya bukan? Kita bisa mendengar, membaca, berbicara, dan kemudian menulis dengan baik. Sehingga jika kita ingin mempelajari dan kemudian menguasai bahasa Inggris, maka adopsi sistem yang kita ambil dari pembelajaran bahasa Indonesia selama ini.

3 tips belajar bahasa inggris untuk pemula di bawah ini, kami yakin mampu membantu Anda dengan sangat baik. Selamat membaca, dan kemudian mencobanya.

Terapkan empat tahap alamiah

Belajarlah sama seperti Anda bayi dahulu. Mulailah dengan mendengarkan, berbicara, membaca, dan tahap yang terakhir adalah menulis. Anda bisa mendengarkan teks bahasa Inggris, atau mendengarkan lagu agar lebih menyenangkan lagi.

Kemudian, ungkapkanlah lagu atau teks tersebut di dalam berbicara. Sebagai contoh, Anda suka bernyanyi setelah mendengarkan lagu bahasa Inggris. Maka bernyanyilah karena itu merupakan salah satu konteks dalam berbicara. Tetapi ingat, jangan berusaha menghafal lagu melalui membaca lirik. Kalau Anda melakukan hal itu, maka sama saja telah menyalahi aturan dalam belajar bahasa Inggris.

Membaca ada pada tahap setelah berbicara, jadi bernyanyilah melalui apa yang didengar dan bukan melalui yang dibaca. Setelah lagu dihafal, silakan membaca lirik lagu dan kemudian menulisnya. Belajar bahasa Inggris melalui lagu dengan sistem mendengarkan kemudian berbicara amat menyenangkan, dan patut untuk dicoba.

Temukan partner belajar atau bergabung ke komunitas

Anda sudah belajar listening melalui mendengarkan musik, dan berbicara dengan cara bernyanyi. Saat ini, untuk lebih mengasah kemampuan mendengarkan serta berbicara, Anda bisa mencari seorang teman untuk dijadikan partner belajar. Buatlah semacam strategi belajar dimana Anda berbicara dengannya layaknya orang yang sedang mengobrol. Cara ini banyak dilakukan dan memang membuahkan hasil yang cukup baik. 

Kendati demikian, agar kemampuan Anda berkembang dengan pesat maka bergabunglah ke komunitas bahasa Inggris. Disana Anda bisa belajar banyak mengenai komunikasi dan beragam hal mengangumkan yang membuat kemampuan semakin baik.

Menulis catatan harian dalam bahasa Inggris

Tulislah sebuah catatan mengenai peristiwa-peristiwa yang Anda alami setiap hari. Dengan menulis, maka Anda akan mempelajari kosa kata baru, struktur bahasa, dan langsung mempraktikkannya tanpa banyak teori.

Beberapa orang mungkin tidak suka menulis diary, sehingga cara yang paling tepat mungkin blogging. Menulis di sebuah blog merupakan kegiatan yang menyenangkan dan tentu saja bisa mengasah intelektualitas yang Anda miliki.

Silakan mencoba tiga tips belajar bahasa Inggris untuk pemula di atas, dan semoga Anda bisa berhasil dengan baik. 

proposal speaking THESIS

                                                              CHAPTER I
Speaking is the ability to speak appropiately and afectively in real communicative situation in order to communicative ideas to other .This statment reflects speaking in closely related to the language but in fact only some of students who realize the funtion of speaking .The sepaking can be one of first prority in learning english.  Therefore speaking aspect can influences some aspects of human beings’ life such as economic,education ,culture and many more.
Nowadays ,we are as indonesian society can not deny the sprending of english speaking .Although english speaking has a functions as foreign language but it is soo strong to influence some aspect of of them is education. It can be noticed to all english teachers as well as students are eager to speak english so that they can communicate in english.there are many kinds of ways that have been created to eneasy the students to know the speaking and one of those ways in creating international classs in each school . It is purposed to obligate the students to speak english. Although creating international school has been conducted but it hasn’t given satisfied result yet.
It is purposed to obligate the students to speak english. Although creating international school has been conducted but it hasn’t given satisfied result yet . It is indicated by the students who still don’t know to speak english .Generally ,this case is mostly happened in every school. And spesifically in SMA Negeri 1 Palopo. The writer finds the speaking difficulties undergone by students SMA Negeri 1 Palopo at the first grade.
By facing this problem the writer is eager to apply a new method in purpose to minimaze all factor which was being undergone by SMA Negeri 1 Palopo.
Teaching shall be an exciting and refreshing interval in a day for the students and teachers . and the writer believes this method will able to change the situation of learning and teaching process become more comporrtable for the students and teachers. So that they can produce communicative interaction through speaking.This method always guides the students in improving their speaking ability and makes english becomes a daily activity and unrepeated habit of the learning process.Through such as kind of sircumtances.Students’ speaking ability can be well improved and this method named”Spider Gram”

B. Problem statments
1. “To what extent is the spidergram effective in improving stuednts’ speaking ability ?”
2. “How are the responses of first (X4) grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Palopo to the spider gram?”
C. The Objectives of the Research
1. To find out the effectiveness of spider gram in improving students’ speaking ability of the first (X4) grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Palopo.
2. By implementing spider gram the writer also wanted to find out the responses of the first (X4) grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Palopo in teaching and learning process.

D. The significance of the Research.
1. Teacher as guidance to teach English speaking
2. Students as a guidance to improve their capability in learning English speaking.
3.Next researcher . Therefore the result of this research can be a better reference to support the following research . and generally the results were also expected t
 Be one of alternative ways of producing spoken English based on correct structure.

E. The scope of the Research
The scope of this research is restricted to the effectiveness of the spider gram and it is also restricted to the responses or students by using spidergram as a method to improve students to talk and retell their events ,Daily activities ,Unforgettable experience ,or futuriry actions.
As a guiding point of speaking about daily activities ,past activites , and future activities. At which all those events would be emphasized in accuracy ,fluency and comprehensibility ,in purposed to give limitation of the research.

A.    Previous related research findings
Many language researchers have conducted research about involving students speaking . The writer used students’ attitude and interest in speaking English. Their finding is citied as follows
1.      Purnawati(2004) in her thesis which is entitled of “Improving speaking ability through one side dialogue of the second year students of SLTP Negeri 4 Palopo “reported said that one sides dialogue is an effective technique in improving the students speaking ability .It means that through dialogue students are actively participated in speaking .A thesis S1 English studies program of Cokroaminoto University.
B.     Some Pertinent Ideas About Speaking
1.  Speaking Ability
a. Definition
Heaton (1988 : 87) defines speaking ability as the ability to communicate ideas appropriately and effectively in real communicate situation in order to communicate ideas to other.
Human have feeling, ideas , and although As social creatures ,They need to communicate their feeling ,ideas ,or though . And by means of speaking they can realize it.
Speaking is the most essential way in which the speaker can express himself though the language.In speaking class ,The students were expected to express idea ,information ,and feeling to others.Much talking is important to develop the students’speaking ability.
            They will not be able to speak fluently if they do not practice the language in good, correct and accurate language.
            b. Main factor in Assesing Speaking Ability.
·         Fluency
·         Intelligibility essentially depends on the recognizably of the words and sentence – patterns of speech
·         Appropriateness refers to the suitability of the language to situation.

2.            Spider Gram in the Speaking Concept
a.       Explanation of Spider Gram.
Spider gram in this case is a gram which formed like a spider nets. And based on Eloise Pasteur (2002) state that spider gram is a gram resembling a spider’s body leg in which in information relating to a topic is notice down in boxes joined by radiating lines to the topic a central box containing. The following are examples which are citied from the fundamental of english for public speaking written by Yayan G.H.Mulyana.
Question in Gram 1                                        
v   Researcher : What will you do after being graduated from your school?
Answer      : after being graduated from SMA , I plan to continue my education . But suppose I will not be able to continue my education I will try to get a job as the solution ,Therefore I can continue my education while working.


Figure : Telling ambition
C.    Theoretical Framework



D.    Hypothesis
The Hypothesis of the research is formulated as follows :
H  : The use of spider gram that are formulated in to teaching speaking technique cannot improve students’ speaking ability .
H  : The use of spider gram that are formulated in to teaching speaking technique can improve students’speaking ability.

A.       Method and design of the research
a.1. Research Method
                  This method used pra-experimental method ,at which the students were given pretest ,treatment and posttest.
         a.2.Research Design
             The design of the research was a group of pretest-posttest design . And then the treatment was given between pretest(O) and posttest (O). The schematic representation of the design as follows:




Where :
                O       :  Pretest
                 T        :  Treatment
                O      :  Posttest
B.           Variables
There are two variables in this research , The variables are :
1.      The using of spider gram as independent variable.
2.      Students speaking ability as dependent variable.

Jumat, 21 Juni 2013

tehnik mengajar speaking

sabtu,22 june 2013

Teknik Mengajar Speaking - What is It?

Teknik mengajar speaking - what is it? ini diperkenalkan Nation, seorang professor ahli pengajaran bahasa Inggris. Teknik ini sangat cocok bagi guru bahasa Inggris yang sedang mengajarkan materi describing things. Biasanya, materi tersebut berbarengan dengan materi reading dan writing descriptive text.
Untuk membuat teknik ini sukses, tentu ada prosedur yang harus dijalankan oleh seorang guru. Agar lebih singkat, berikut ini adalah langkah-langkah yang bisa dilakukan :
Guru menulis beberapa kalimat di papan tulis. Kalimat-kalimat tersebut harus menggambarkan seseorang atau suatu benda. Misalnya :
  • It is thin.
  • It is black.
  • It has many teeth.
  • It is made of plastic.
  • We can find it near a mirror.
  • It costs a dollar.
  • Everybody uses it.
  • It is used for combing your hair.
  • What is it?
Setelah itu, guru meminta para siswa untuk mengubah kalimat-kalimat tersebut agar bisa menggambarkan / menjelaskan hal-hal lain. Saat seorang guru mengajarkan teknik ini, ia harus memiliki banyak cadangan kata benda yang bisa menjadi contoh. Misalnya memberikan contoh jarum / a needle.
  • It is thin
  • It is silver
  • It has a sharp point.
  • It is made of steel.
  • We can find it in our house.
  • It costs ten cents. (bisa diganti rupiah / mata uang lainnya)
  • You need good eyes to use it.
  • It is used for sewing things.
  • What is it?
Setelah dirasa cukup, kemudian guru memberikan satu nama benda, misalnya saja a pen = pena, lalu siswa disuruh menjelaskannya seperti contoh rancangan di atas. Bila perlu, guru bisa menambahkan deskripsi tambahan untuk kata a pen tersebut agar siswa semakin mudah membuatnya.
Saat siswa sudah bisa mengikuti rancangan ini, teknik What is It ini bisa dijadikan sebuah permainan di dalam kelas. Satu siswa memberikan gambaran satu benda, dan yang lainnya menebak benda apakah itu?
Ketika semua siswa sudah sangat menguasai teknik ini, mereka bisa menambahkan beberapa kalimat tambahan yang belum tertera pada bagan di atas.
Intinya, teknik What is it? ini memiliki fitur-fitur sebagai berikut :
  1. Learners can be prepared for the activity by learning and practicing a small number of sentence patterns.
  2. Communication is important because the activity has an outcome that depends on successful communication.
  3. The learners can do the activity with each other in a form of pair and group work.
  4. Learners can make change to the activity so that the outcome is not completely predictable.
Mungkin anda yang berprofesi sebagai guru bahasa Inggris lebih tahu tentang membuat sebuah materi pelajaran semakin menarik. Namun, jika pelajaran speaking masih terasa membosankan, mungkin teknik ini bisa digunakan. Silahkan dicoba... :)
Referensi :
Nation, I.S.P and Newton, Jonathan. 2009. Teaching ESL/EFL Listening and Speaking. London and New York: Routledge.

Senin, 17 Juni 2013


12 steps to becoming a charismatic speaker

Have you ever heard a presentation and later realized how attracted you were to the presenter? No, not that kind of attraction. I mean that you felt connected and uplifted while you were listening. You came away feeling happier. The speaker was so eloquent that you were touched in some way. Even if the presentation was about selling shoes!
That quality you experienced is called charisma. Webster defines charisma as “that special spiritual power or personal quality that gives an individual influence or authority over large numbers of people.” A charismatic speaker leaves an impression on the audience, large or small, that makes them want to come back for more. It’s just what you want if you are trying to sell or influence a customer. Charisma is not just for selling; the best university professors are often charismatic speakers as well.
We associate charisma with preachers, like Billy Graham, or old-time politicians, such as Winston Churchill. Could you become a charismatic speaker? The answer is yes! By breaking down charisma into its 12 individual qualities (listed here in no particular order), you can attain each quality with a little time and practice.

Quality 1: Charismatic speakers are self-confident and assured. They don’t appear nervous or ill at ease.

There are two ways to approach this quality–from the outside and the inside. From the outside, you can gain self-confidence by gaining more experience speaking. Joining Toastmaster’s International is a good way to build on the speaking experience you gain in your regular employment. In addition, practice each presentation many times, until you know it cold. You won’t be as nervous if you are well prepared. Finally, as much as possible, get to know your audience in advance, as people. Even if you greet an audience at the door or start a small group meeting with a few pleasantries, you will find yourself feeling more comfortable.
From the inside, there are a number of techniques to lessen nervousness and anxiety. I recommend the Transcendental Meditation® technique as a scientifically verified and well-known stress reducer, which will help you in your other activities as well. If that is not immediately possible, at least close your eyes to relax and center yourself for a few minutes before the presentation. A few stretches can also help reduce tension. Stretch your mouth, too!

Quality 2: Charismatic speakers seem to be enjoying themselves; they are playful, humorous, happy.

Step back and think about the funny side of your presentation. Don’t take it so seriously; instead, find the lighter side. Try adding some mild humor to your presentation (in good taste, of course). Slightly self-deprecating humor is okay, too. It’s good to show that you can laugh at yourself. For example, in a larger audience you can ask, “How many of you really want to be here this morning?” (This works best if it’s a beautiful day outside.) If only a few people raise their hands, you can say, “I see I have my work cut out for me.” If most people raise their hands, you can say, “And I thought this was going to be difficult!”

Quality 3: Charismatic speakers are lively & energetic.

Quiet and dull never sold anything. If you’re a teacher, your students won’t learn if they fall asleep. You need to wake up your audience. The basic for energy, of course, is enough rest. So get a good night’s sleep the night before. If you’ve traveled the same day, find a few minutes to close your eyes and rest. When you start to speak, move your hands and look directly at the person or people you’re talking to. If you’re standing, move about (without pacing). Let your voice express your convictions–don’t use a monotone. Later in this article, I explain how to record yourself during practice. Listen to your recorded voice and be sure there are variations in pitch, tone, and volume.

Quality 4: Charismatic speakers are knowledgeable about their subject.

This quality is a cinch. Do lots of research and learn as much as you can about your subject. What approach do your competitors take? Seeing the other side of an issue helps you understand your topic better. What is the history of your product, service, or topic? Gaining a broader background allows you to speak with more authority.

Quality 5: Charismatic speakers look good, they have a stage presence.

I’m not suggesting that you do something about the size of your nose. The good appearance that you associate with a charismatic speaker is something different and has inner and outer qualities. From the outside, dress your best, always in conservative, modest clothing. Take the time and spend the money necessary so that your hair is perfect and shoes are polished. From the inside, take the time to lessen any negative feelings you may have about the upcoming encounter. List some positive aspects and focus on those. Negative emotions show up in your facial expressions and can actually make you look unattractive.

Quality 6: Charismatic speakers speak without stumbling, using full sentences and correct grammar, without “ers” and “uhs.”

In other words, they are good speakers. You can become a good speaker, as well. Joining Toastmasters International, as mentioned earlier, is one way to start. One of the best techniques is to record yourself as you practice. Run through your entire talk. If you can videotape yourself, great, but even a simple tape recorder is a great help. Now, sit back and listen to yourself several times. Take notes as you go. I guarantee that you’ll find plenty to correct. So go back and work on your delivery and try again. With practice, your speaking will become smooth and fluid.

Quality 7: Charismatic speakers have an opinion about their subject. They care about it. You can sense their emotion, enthusiasm, and conviction.

You could even say they are passionate about what they are saying. Do you have an opinion about your product or service? How strongly do you feel about your topic? So, you find it hard to have conviction about the paper you sell or the customer service training you offer? What good does it bring to people? For example, paper, depending on the type, brings knowledge to people, contributes to good health, or adds to our quality of life. Similarly, think deeply about what you do and its relationship to the human endeavor.
Very often, your prospects do feel strongly about their business. If you don’t come across as equally enthusiastic, they will buy from someone else who shares their convictions.

Quality 8: Charismatic speakers relate their topic to the broader scheme of things, they are expansive, inspiring, and uplifting.

Think about the place your product or service has in the entire economy of the world. How does it contribute to what is important in life? As mentioned earlier, learn about the history of your field. Depending on what you do, you may even be able to go back a few thousand years. If you sell paper, for example, do you know where and when it was invented and what effect it had on civilization?
(Of course, it depends on which kind of paper you are selling. Bathroom tissue was introduced in 1880 by the British Perforated Paper Company. Writing paper was officially invented by T’sai Lun at the court of the Chinese emperor in 105 A.D. However, new evidence shows that paper was being made as early as 200 B.C. using chopped up fishing nets. For about 500 years, papermaking was confined to China , but spread to Japan in 610 A.D, Egypt in 800 A.D and Europe in the 10th century. In ancient Egypt , an early form of paper known as papyrus was used.
Paper allowed governments to record laws and businesses to record agreements. Paper was also widely used to write down religious scriptures. Thus, it was extremely important for the development of our civilization.)
You should know about the background of the industry or organization you are selling to. If you are selling to the paper industry, you should know about the history of paper. Your customers will appreciate the time you took to learn.
Think about what you contribute to life. What good do you do? When you have answered these questions, add some of the answers to your presentation. Don’t go overboard, but a certain amount of inspiration is a powerful tool. If your audience leaves uplifted, they will remember that feeling long after they remember some of the finer points you made.

Quality 9: Charismatic speakers create a strong rapport with their audience, they connect.

Part of that riveting quality of a charismatic speaker comes from the relationship created with the audience. Part of that relationship is created by what you say. But most of it is created with your eyes, motions, and emotions. Eye contact is an absolute must.
For a large audience, never start or end with the lights out so that you have time to establish eye contact. Move around and use your hands. A great technique is to actually move into the audience periodically. Don’t hide behind a podium or table.
With a smaller audience, even an audience of one, be careful not to look down throughout your presentation. Meet your prospect’s gaze from time to time. Use your hands, lean forward, come close (but not uncomfortably close).

Quality 10: Charismatic speakers are positive in outlook, cheerful, and cooperative.

Most people don’t want to hear negativity. They want to hear solutions. Even when you point out how bad their current situation is and how much they need your solution, don’t dwell on the negative. Emphasize the positive. Keep a cheerful outlook. When your prospects bring up objections or questions, answer in a spirit of cooperation and appreciation for their point of view. This approach puts you above the fray. At the end of your talk, you want your audience to feel encouraged and positive about what they heard.

Quality 11:  Charismatic speakers are organized; their points are clearly connected and logically follow one another, with an overview at the beginning and a conclusion at the end. They are precise and complete.

You can know your subject cold and still present it in a disorganized, haphazard way. To make a compelling argument, you need to make sense. Start with a skeleton outline. Here’s an old standard for a sales presentation:
  • Attention getting opening
  • Overview
  • What the customer needs
  • How you can provide what the customer needs
  • Action steps the customer can take to buy
  • Summary conclusion
Now flesh out the outline. Make sure each part is also organized. Think about the reasoning of each part and revise as necessary. Design your close so that the logic follows inescapably and inexorably from your main points.

Quality 12:  Charismatic speakers (genuine ones) are honest, well mannered, patient, fair, and responsible.

You can probably think of more adjectives. These qualities portray a person’s character and moral fiber. Your customers need to feel comfortable doing business with you, that you are a person they can trust. You don’t want the question, “Would you buy a used car from this man?” to apply to you. Your talk should reflect these qualities. For example, don’t put down your competition (be fair). Don’t interrupt your audience (be patient). Listen carefully to questions before answering and never use objectionable language or make negative references to others (be well-mannered). If you agree to get more information or follow up, do so (be responsible).
By developing these 12 qualities, you too can become a charismatic speaker. You can be that person that audiences feel attracted to and connected with, whose eloquence leaves people uplifted and enlivened. Work at it and you will succeeSSS