Jumat, 18 Oktober 2013


nterviews with Asia TEFL 2011 Plenary Speakers
[Dr. Bernard Spolsky, Keynote Speaker] Dr. Bernard Spolsky was born in New Zealand in 1932 and received his PhD in Linguistics from the Universite de Montreal. He taught at high schools in New Zealand, Australia, and the United States and at universities in Israel, Canada, and the United States. He retired from Bar-Ilan University in Israel in 2000 and was appointed professor emeritus. His academic honors include a Guggenheim Fellowship, a Mellon Fellowship, and most recently, a Charles Ferguson Fellowship at the Center for Applied Linguistics in Washing, DC. Dr. Spolsky’s keynote address title at Asia TEFL 2011 is “Teaching English in a Changing Asia: Challenges and Directions.” It discusses how the teaching of English has become a central component of national language policy in countries where English is not the dominant language. Dr. Spolsky was interviewed at the July 27-29 Conference by Asia TEFL NewsNet Editor David Shaffer.
Interviews with Asia TEFL 2011 Speakers
[Dr. Brock Brady, Special Speaker] Dr. Brock Brady, 2010-11 President of TESOL International, is programming and training education specialist and TEFL curriculum expert for the US Peace Corps, a government agency supporting American volunteer work in developing countries. His Special Speaker address to Asia TEFL 2011 is entitled “Challenges, Trends, and Aspirations in English Language Teaching Today.” It takes a look at English as a medium of instruction in EFL countries, narrowly focused data-driven assessment schema, and the urgent need to protect our profession against the new competitors in our field. Dr. Brady was interviewed at the July 27-29 Conference by Asia TEFL NewsNet Editor David Shaffer.

Interviews with Asia TEFL 2011 Plenary Speakers
[Dr. Anne Burns] Dr. Anne Burns divides her time between two universities on two continents ? the United Kingdom and Australia. She is Professor of Language Education at Aston University, and she supervises doctoral students at the University of New South Wales. She has published extensively on action research, teacher education, and the teaching and learning of spoken language. She was recently appointed as the Applied Linguistics Series Advisor for Oxford University Press. Dr. Burns’ Asia TEFL plenary session is entitled “Teaching Speaking: Trends and Directions.” It focuses mainly on the impact of discourse theory and research on the teaching of speaking. Dr. Burns was interviewed at the July 27-29 Conference by Asia TEFL NewsNet Editor David Shaffer.

Interviews with Asia TEFL 2011 Plenary Speakers
[Dr. Kensaku Yoshida] Dr. Kensaku Yoshida is a professor at Sophia University in Tokyo, Japan. He is both Director of the General Foreign Language Program and the Sophia Linguistics Institute for International Communication. His plenary address at Asia TEFL 2011 was “Interim Results on ‘Educating Japanese with the Ability to Use English’: What’s Been Accomplished and Further Issues to Be Addressed.” The presentation presents results of the Japan’s MEXT initiatives and discusses where Japan stands in terms of TEFL. Dr. Yoshida is the External Affairs Executive Director of Asia TEFL. He was interviewed at the July 27-29 Conference by Asia TEFL NewsNet Editor David Shaffer.

Interviews with Asia TEFL 2011 Plenary Speakers
[Dr. Le Van Canh] Dr. Le Van Canh has been at the University of Languages and International - VNU in Hanoi for many years and lectures there at the graduate level. He is published in international peer-reviewed journals, including most recently, Prospect and the Journal of Asia TEFL. The title of his Asia TEFL 2011 plenary session is “Keeping Sight of the Forests as Well as the Trees: Understanding Teachers’ Methodology in Action.” It argues that since ELT contexts are so diverse and complex, understanding how teachers rationalize their methodology in action should be a critical ingredient in addressing that complexity. Dr. Le is the Asia TEFL Vietnam Regional Representative and was Conference Chair of Asia TEFL 2010. He was interviewed at the July 27-29 Conference by Asia TEFL NewsNet Editor David Shaffer.

Interviews with Asia TEFL 2011 Plenary Speakers
[Dr. Martin Wedell] Dr. Martin Wedell is Director of International Education at Leeds University, UK. He has worked on various aspects of international TESOL teacher education for over 30 years. The title of his recent book summarizes his research interests: Planning for Educational Change: Putting People and Their Contexts First. His plenary session at Asia TEFL is “Teachers Should Adjust Their Views: Who Needs to Adjust What, and Who Can Help Them to Do So?” It addresses the significant change that teachers need to face in leaving the traditional classroom to transform it into one that is learner-centered, interactive, and communication-focused. Dr. Wedell was interviewed at the July 27-29 Conference by Asia TEFL NewsNet Editor David Shaffer.

Interviews with Asia TEFL 2011 Plenary Speakers
[Dr. Susan Gass] Dr. Susan M. Gass is a University Distinguished Professor at Michigan State University. Her plenary session at Asia TEFL 2011 was entitled “Foreign Language Teaching and Applied Linguistics: The Intersection.” She has served as President of the American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL) and as President of the International Association of Applied Linguistics (IAAL; 2002-2008). Dr. Gass has published widely in the field of second language acquisition and is the co-author with Larry Selinker of Second Language Acquisition: An Introductory Course. She was interviewed at the July 27-29 Conference by Asia TEFL NewsNet Editor David Shaffer.

CamTESOL 2011 Mobilizes Phnom Penh
[March 2011] The 7th Annual CamTESOL Conference was held at the National Institute of Education in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, on February 26-28 under the theme “English for Mobility.”.

[January 2011] On January 21-22, 2011, the Winter Teaching Methodology School brought together 120 public school and university teachers from Vladivostok, Nakhodka, Blagoveshchensk, Birobijan, Lesozavodsk, Kavalerovo, Khorol, Artyom, Ussuriisk and even Krasnoyarsk. Thirty percent of the participants represented secondary schools and the remainder represented universities.

CamTESOL Conference Series: Past, Present, and Future
[July 2010] CamTESOL - the annual Cambodian ELT conference is one of Asia's best-kept secrets. This ELT conference series is the premier professional development forum for teachers of English in Cambodia. It is a significant international conference in the region that attracts roughly 1,200 participants, including over 300 international delegates from more than 30 countries around the world. CamTESOL was established and has been supported by IDP (International Development Program) since 2005. Since its establishment, the conference has gained the support of the government and has also gained strong support from universities, languages schools, local and international NGOs, and the business community in Cambodia and overseas.

David Crystal Headlines KATE 2010
[July 2010] If it is July in Korea, the premier event on the ELT calendar is the Korea Association of Teachers of English (KATE) International Conference. Summer rain on the first day of the two-day conference (July 2-3) kept Friday morning attendance down to about 375, but those who braved the weather were greeted by a rainbow of ELT within the pleasingly dry facilities on the Seoul National University campus.
The 8th FEELTA Conference in Khabarovsk: Another Great Success
[June 2010] The event the teachers of the Russian Far East had been looking forward to took place in Khabarovsk on June 28-30. This time the bi-yearly 8th FEELTA (Far Eastern English Language Teachers Association) international conference, with the theme "From Broadcasting to Narrowcasting: Global Englishes, Local Contexts," was hosted by the Far Eastern State University of Humanities. As the theme of the conference suggests, the topics discussed covered a wide range of subjects that were be of interest to teachers and researchers.
A Glimpse at English Education in Mae Sot, Thailand
[February 2010] Mae Sot is a town on the Thai side of the border with Myanmar (Burma). It is a meeting and trade point for people from the Karen, Shan, Burmese, and other ethnic groups west of the Moei River, and the Thais on the east. It lies at about the same latitude as Yangon (Rangoon), the former capital of Myanmar. Last winter, I took some time and went back to Mae Sot once again, after month-long trips to Thailand in 2006 and 2008. Mae Sot is not a popular tourist destination, but is visited by people who want to renew their visas to Thailand and by people who are concerned about the refugees and migrant workers from Burma. Because of its proximity to Burma and because of the Thai-Myanmar Friendship Bridge which crosses the river between the two countries, Mae Sot has also become a magnate for various peoples from Burma. Some come for work, most in construction or clothing factories; some come to escape the regime in Burma.
The FEELTA Winter Methodology School: The Source of New Ideas; the Stimulus for Creative Work
[January 2010] The FEELTA Winter Methodology School, traditionally held in January, attracted about a hundred and fifty teachers, mainly from the Primorsky Region of Far East Russia. Most of them were university teachers, though a great number of school teachers attended as well. The seminar program had been compiled after careful consideration of the previous year's attendees' wishes. It included the first results of the State Exam in schools, preparation for the State Exam, and intercultural communication.
Korea TESOL 2009 Stresses Professional Excellence
[October 2009] The 17th Annual Korea TESOL International Conference was greeted by Seoul's fair autumn weather on October 24-25, 2009. As Conference Chair Louisa Lau-Kim stated, the KOTESOL International Conference is the largest of its kind in South Korea. That was true again this year as the Conference attracted nearly 1,400 attendees and nearly 200 presentations. It also attracted a long list of well-known names in the field of ELT. These included David Nunan, Rod Ellis, Kathleen Bailey, and Tim Murphey as plenary speakers, and Scott Thornbury, John Fanselow, Jerry Gephard, Stephen Andrews, John Flowerdew, Jeannette Littlemore, Jill Burton, Marc Helgesen, and Korea TESOL's Scott Miles as featured speakers.
A Peek Preview of Asia TEFL 2009
[July 2009] The 2009 Asia TEFL Conference will open for three days, August 7-9, at the Imperial Queens' Park Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand. This Asia TEFL conference is certain to be an extraordinary event for all those interested in teaching and learning languages. This is not only the 7th Asia TEFL Conference but also the 29th Thailand TESOL Conference as Asia TEFL has invited Thailand TESOL to host this conference in Bangkok where presenters from not just Asia but the four corners of the world will gather to share ideas on the conference theme.

KATE 2009 International Conference Opens Korea's Summer
[July 2009] Each year as the first school term winds down and summer begins, language teachers converge to share insights and experiences at the annual KATE (Korea Association of Teachers of English) international conference. Under the theme "Across the Borders: Content-Based Instruction in EFL Contexts" close to 600 scholars, teachers, and researchers met at Ewha Woman's University in Seoul, Korea, on July 3rd and 4th.

Bangladesh Hosts 8th International Language and Development Conference
[June 2009] The 8th International Language and Development Conference was held at the Pan-Pacific Sonargaon Hotel in Dhaka, Bangladesh, on June 23-25, 2009. The three-day conference focused strongly on providing a forum for examining important issues related to language policy, language learning, and language teaching in the context of the developing world and, in particular, from the perspective of policy makers, language and literacy educators, development professionals, and donors. This was probably the first event of such statute to be held in Bangladesh. This series of International Conferences, held biennially in a developing country, has previously been held in Bangkok (1993), Bali (1995), Langkawi (1997), Hanoi (1999), Phnom Penh (2001), Tashkent (2003), and Addis Ababa (2005).

FEELTA Organizes Talent Show
[March 2009] A festival of talented children performing in English took place again this March at the Far Eastern National University (Vladivostok, Russia) under FEELTA patronage. It was a real joy for the jury and the audience to watch what was transpiring on the stage over the six hours of performances by over 100 participants from throughout the region.. There were more than sixty people in attendance to see and evaluate the performances during a day of continual enjoyment at the 12th Annual Talent Show.

Korea TESOL Conference Opens in Seoul
[October 2008] The 16th Annual Korea TESOL International Conference opened in Seoul on October 25. The two-day event held at Sookmyung Women's University demonstrated how rapidly the field of TEFL is growing and the efforts that must be made to keep up with this demand. Attendance rose to over 1,100 conference-goers this year, and the theme "Responding to a Changing World" represented the conference well.

Asia TEFL 2008 Shines in Sunny Bali!
[August 2008] The weather was all one could ask for in Bali, Indonesia, on Friday, August 1, making it an excellent day to open the 6th Asia TEFL International Conference. The opening ceremony began with a traditional Balinese dance and the opening address by Conference Committee Chair Suwarsih Madya, Asia TEFL Regional Representative of Indonesia. Welcoming addresses were given by both the Governor of Bali, Mr. H. Dewa Made Berata, and the President of Asia TEFL, Dr. Hyo Woong Lee. Pres. Lee announced that Asia TEFL 2009 will be held in Bangkok, Thailand, and that Asia TEFL 2010 is planned for Hanoi, Vietnam. Pres. Lee also presented plaques of appreciation to Mr. H. Aburizal Barkie, Minister for People's Welfare, Indonesia, for their support, to Prof. Madya for organizing the event, and to Young-i Kim, CEO of eduKLC, and Young-soon Kim, CEO of Samsung Credu, for their part in making Asia TEFL 2008 a reality.

Asia TEFL Holds 2008 Executive Council Meeting
[July 2008] This year's annual Asia TEFL Executive Council Meeting was held on the eve of the Association's sixth international Conference, July 31, at 4:00 p.m. The meeting was called to order by President Hyo Woong Lee at the Conference venue, the Sanur Paradise Plaza Hotel in Bali, Indonesia. Eight Regional Representatives, including Conference Chair, Suwarsih Madya, and eight executive officers were in attendance.

MELTA 2008 Travels Malaysia
[June 2008] The year 2008 is the "traveling" conference year for MELTA (Malaysian English Language Teaching Association). What this means is that the conference is conducted in three different locations reasonably far from each other. The venues and dates for the 17th International Conference of MELTA were Penang (May 26-27), Kuala Lumpur (May 30-31), and Kota Kinabalu (June 5-6). Penang and Kuala Lumpur are in West Malaysia, while Kota Kinabalu is in East Malaysia, in Borneo. Kuala Lumpur to Penang takes about four to six hours of driving time, depending on the vehicle, or one may take a short flight. To Kota Kinabalu, the only mode of transportation is by air.

NATE @ FEELTA 2008 Builds Bridges
[June 2008] The last days of June - the 26th through the 28th - saw a variety of international conference activities for English language teachers at NATE @ FEELTA. The Conference was hosted by the National Association of Teachers of English (NATE) and the Far Eastern English Language Teachers Association (FEELTA), under the auspices of the Far Eastern National University, Vladivostok, and the English Language Office of the American Embassy. The Conference was devoted to the problems of linguistics, methodology of teaching foreign languages, translation, social interactions, and cultural issues.

Nanjing University Students Experience International Symposium
[May 2008] The 2nd Nanjing University Mock International Symposium on "Science, Culture and Social Progress" was held on May 25, 2008, at the University's Pukou Campus. Organized by the Department of Applied Foreign Language Studies (DAFLS), Nanjing University, NJUMIS-2 strictly followed the procedure of international academic symposia so as to give students as real of an experience as possible of attending an international symposium that provoked their critical thinking, and an opportunity to practice their English in a much more realistic way. The activity also had the benefit of helping prepare the students for their future academic careers as well.

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